Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 9

Monday, was a normal day, I just played around in photoshop trying to improve my skills.

Tuesday was the Pink-Pre Day Rally. It was very electric and amazing. I had a hell of a time video-ing, and even meeting the Chief of Police for the City of Regina.
(For my full post about pink day rally check my last blog out)

Wednesday, I awoke today to head to a elementary school to film a little more about Pink Day. I traveled to St. Theresa elementary school (Spelling my bad) to video and get some more footage. Honestly the rally was way more exciting and the school somewhat boring, but I can't really complain since the rally was a large organization and the school was itself primarily. Get well Carter!

Thursday, well I had hoped to improve my camera board abilities but it was sadly shut down due to un-organization. I wound up improving my photoshop skill while trying to make a rough draft template on paper of my e-port design. The piece in photoshop I am currently still making is looking cool, more of a brighter approach compared to what I usually do. I think I will start documenting everything I do involving photoshop, should have done this ages ago, but thoughts don't apply until you think hard about them. I will eventually post what it is I am working on in PS, but not anytime soon. I wish there was a irl photoshop that anyone could access whenever in their mind without distraction, but mainly a save option...crazy idea lol.

Friday, we are in the broadcast rooms today and I thought it was all organized, but in reality it is the same thing time after time with this group other then that we actually made it to the rooms. Well working the camera switchboard again is fun, but sadly not filming yet and we have been here near half a hour, from when I am writing this. Well we got through filming the Harlem thing, it seemed to flow more quickly once they got dressed up, I am not sure how to finalize still, so I left that to John. I wish that the green screen was larger as a lot of their heads were either half cut off or their body's were not fully in shot, ahh well, school equipment...


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